Please note, it generally takes the Council 3–4 weeks to complete the initial review. Action items are reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis, and wait time is generally around 1–2 weeks.

If you have any questions regarding your account status, action items, or are having trouble logging in, please contact a member of our Nonprofit Services Team at (651) 224–7030.

The Smart Giver Newsletter is published twice a year and includes the Giving Guide, a list of strong, accountable, and trustworthy nonprofit organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to transparency by voluntarily participating in the Council’s online Accountability Wizard® review process.

Below are the requirements for inclusion in the upcoming Smart Giver Newsletter.

To be listed as a Meets Standards® organization, by the deadline your organization must:
  • Have a current, non-expired, Accountability Wizard® review
  • Have no pending action items; and
  • Have been notified by the Council that you Meet Standards®.
To be listed as a Review in Progress, your organization must:
  • Have submitted its Accountability Wizard® review to the Council within the last twelve months; and
  • Your preliminary review from the Council is still pending, OR you have a few action items pending.
To move from a Review in Progress status to the Meets Standards® listing, you must complete all assigned action items and receive Council approval.